FlexCalc – flexible calculations with VariSuite CPQ
This post introduces FlexCalc, a calculation mechanism within VariSuite CPQ that leverages current configuration and structure-based calculation...
This post introduces FlexCalc, a calculation mechanism within VariSuite CPQ that leverages current configuration and structure-based calculation...
Tässä konfiguroituvan tuotteen blogisarjan viimeisessä kirjoituksessa keskitymme siihen, miten konfiguroitavien tuotteiden prosessia voidaan...
Tänään jatkamme blogisarjaamme aiheesta: miten huolehtia konfiguroituvan tuotteen palvelutarpeista
Tänään blogisarjan kolmannessa osassa tutkimme, kuinka konfiguroitavat tuotteet voivat tukea valmistusta.
Tänään jatkamme konfiguroituvan tuotteen perusteet -blogisarjaa myynnin näkökulmasta.
Tässä jutussa jatketaan blogisarjaa, miten konfiguroitava tuote suunnitellaan tekniikan näkökulmasta.
Ainoa oikea ratkaisu on tietysti luoda modulaarinen, konfiguroitava tuote!
Pohdimme millaisten kysymysten kanssa yrityksen myyntijohto tänä päivänä kamppailee..
In this final post of the blog-post-series of Configurable Products, we will focus on how to streamline the configurable product process from sales...
Variantum Oy:n toimitusjohtajaksi on nimitetty Hanna Kemppainen
Today, we will continue our blog-post-series with the topic: How to Fulfil Service Needs with Configurable Product Individuals.
This article was originally published in Valokynä, a quarterly publication for Finnish CAE & PLM professionals.
xBOM has been lately raised as “hot topic” in PLM world.
Way too often we are talking too widely when we should stick to "configure", "configuration" or "configuration".
Prosessien ja informaationhallinnasta on paljon määritelmiä liittyen tuotteiden ja palvelujen valmistukseen. Aina ei ole selvää, mitä alan...
Today, we will explore how configurable products can support manufacturing.
Today we'll continue the blog-post-series from the Sales point of view.
In this blog-post we'll continue the series how to design the configurable product from Engineering point of view.
The only right answer is to create configurable or modular product!
How could you improve the managing of Configurable Products?
Offering Management, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Product Data Management (PDM). What do they mean and what is the difference between them?
The product individual data generated in the production configuration of VariSuite can be easily used in the maintenance.
VariSuiten tuotantokonfiguroinnissa syntyneitä tuoteyksilön tietoja voidaan hyödyntää laitekannan huollossa ja ylläpidossa sekä liitännäispalveluissa.
Clothes, cars, bicycles, foods, drinks, houses − almost everything you can think of has variants.
Digitalisaatio tukee johtamista ja IT-strategian pitäisi pohjautua selkeään visioon. Haasteita syntyy, jos yrityksellä on lukuisia järjestelmiä...
Bottlenecks in sales, complicated production, an increasing number of errors in products? With VariSuite you meet the specific customer needs easier.
Heikko tiedonhallinta syö työaikaa. Jos tiedon integrointi puuttuu, tieto pirstaloituu eri järjestelmiin. Tiedonhallintajärjestelmä helpottaa...
Via eLearning platform you can learn more about Offering Management and how to use VariSuite software to enrich the offering of your configurable...
Streamlined order-to-production process that generates configured manufacturing bills-of-material (MBoMs) and documents? VariSuite turns this into...
To manage configurable products in engineering & production, you should connect Product Data Management with product model development and a...
Want to increase your company revenue with services, cross-selling and upselling? For this you need information about the delivered product...
Salespeople want to serve their customers better, but also use less time per offer and quote handling. Guided selling can save time in quoting...
Learning never ends! We want to support people to learn more about Offering Management & VariSuite.
VariSuite Offering Management System provides the needed information on business life cycle from engineering to sales and from production to...
Massakustomointi on tehokasta: siinä pyritään välttämään turhia, päällekkäisiä kuluja. Se voi tarjota merkittävää asiakashyötyä minimoiden...
The beauty with VariSuite is that you can achieve results quickly regardless of your product or industry! VariSuite Offering Management
Manage customer-driven products from design to sales and to manufacturing based on product volumes and design and sales strategies.
You will need a lot of development hours to make Excel work like standard CPQ which has the features you need as out-of-the-box.
Get results quickly! VariSuite combines product development, configure-price-quote, order-to-manufacture and installed base processes and...
Mass customization and mass-tailoring can lower the costs of fashion industry to an affordable level and enable to decrease waste and logistics costs.
How is Offering Management changing car companies now and in the future?
The race for digital has started to tighten within the construction industry. Offering Management could create opportunities for construction...
Marine industry projects have a high demand of collaboration during design, building and maintenance in changing components and configurable...
Variantum’s CPQ-software VariCPQ is a comprehensive plug-and-play sales configurator for Salesforce. Fast to implement, easy-to-use.
Salesforce supports CPQ-extensions. We compare the following CPQ-extensions as examples: Tacton CPQ, Oracle CPQ, Conga CPQ, PROS Smart CPQ and...
Manage CPQ easily in Salesforce. More offers and happier sales team: modern CPQ-software can automize the offering process and routine tasks.
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