
Fast and error free order configuration

Streamlined order-to-production process that generates configured manufacturing bills-of-material (MBoMs) and documents? VariSuite turns this into reality.

Any company that makes mass-customized configurable products wants a streamlined order-to-production process that generates configured manufacturing bills-of-material (MBoMs) and documents to prevent errors on the shop floor. Variantum’s VariSuite turns this desire into reality and reduces lead times and error costs.

VariSuite handles the configurable product around the company: in R&D, sales, production, and service. Manufacturing is the result of successful R&D and sales processes, but it must be handled as carefully as the others.

Automated order process

Once the sales gets the customer order with customer specific order parameters, it is marked as a “won” sales opportunity in CRM or a sales order in ERP. If the VariSuite sales module (VariSales) is used as a CPQ (Configure-Price-Quote) system, the production configurator can be started from VariSales, otherwise the configurator is triggered from CRM or ERP and is controlled by the VariSuite automatic configuration tools.

Order parameters

Optimally, order parameters should reflect technical product parameters, which are used also in the production. When the optimal solution is not possible and the sales parameters differ from the technical ones, order parameters require mapping or rule handling which can be solved with VariSuite to automate product configuration for manufacturing.

Product model for production

Product model is created during design or only for production. Product design can create a product model during the design phase and link design information to a configurable product structure. This saves time by making it unnecessary to create a separate product configurator for production. Production may require further processing of the manufacturing structure: product structure splitting, several configuration rounds or new order-specific items.

Order-based product structure and documents

An order-based product configuration typically contains new order-based items, structures, and documents. These are needed because each unique combination of order parameters generates a unique order configuration. VariSuite out-of-the-box functionality always generates order-based items and structures; configured documents or CAD assembly and drawing can be generated optionally. Order-based items and structures are integrated to ERP, documents can be shared for sub-contractors.

Product configuration and installed base

Once a product is configured for production, VariSuite can save all product information as a product individual in an installed base. A product individual records a serial number for the product and all product and order information with current items, revisions, and documents. During the lifetime of a product, the installed base can be used by service, after-sales, and warranty processing.

A company can manage the product models itself

VariSuite adapts to the needs of any business with its dynamic data model and maintainable product models. The product models can be created and managed by the company itself, but Variantum can certainly help with all development issues.


Case Stera Technologies: Shorter lead-time and minimized errors

”With Variantum, we succeeded to change our order-to-manufacturing process from from days to hours.”

You can read more about the case here: case Stera Technologies

Stera Technologies is an international mechanics and electronics contract manufacturer. The company employs more than 800 professionals in six factories in Finland and Estonia.​

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Teemu K
Head of

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