Modern CPQ-software (Configure-Price-Quote) can automize the offering process and routine tasks making sales function’s work more efficient. CPQ-software can standardize the routines, prices and documentation, and help to produce error-free quotes.
Salesforce offers various CPQ-extensions that are integrated into their ecosystem. This means that you only need to have Salesforce in use and add a suitable CPQ-extension to it. How are these CPQ-solutions distinguishable from each other, and how can you choose the right one for your company?
Comparing CPQ-software for Salesforce
In our comparison we have selected the following CPQ-software as examples: Tacton CPQ, Oracle CPQ, Conga CPQ, PROS Smart CPQ and VariCPQ.
All these CPQ-extensions for Salesforce offer guided selling function, except PROS Smart CPQ does not mention this feature on their AppExchange listing information. Guided selling helps the user to select compatible options for the quote and avoid mis-selections. Tacton emphasizes the ability to configure the most complex products, Oracle promises 100% accuracy, Conga simplicity, PROS Smart speed and VariCPQ that it is easy-to-use both in web and mobile channels.
Tacton also promi
ses correct pricing, support for customized quotes, accelerated sales process and real-time visuals. Oracle’s CPQ supports various pricing models, branded documentation, contract management and electronic signatures. Conga emphasizes upselling and cross-selling possibilities and machine learning features. PROS Smart mentions also reliability, speed, branding and data utilization. VariCPQ is described to be easy and quick to use and can be installed without external costs. VariCPQ also updates the price along with the sales process and allows reconfigurations.
Pricing seems to be a real differentiator: according to the Salesforce AppExchange listed prices at 07/10/2021 Oracle is the most expensive solution with 240$, Tacton being the second highest in pricing with 150$, PROS Smart offers the solution with 95$. Conga and VariCPQ are the most inexpensive solutions, as Conga is 35$ and Vari CPQ 29$. (Prices USD per user per month).
You can find more information about CPQ-extension comparison for Salesforce here.