
Use Offering Management as a driver for business growth!

VariSuite Offering Management System provides the needed information on business life cycle from engineering to sales and from production to maintenance.

Find out what a system covering all your company’s departments and lasting for an entire business life cycle could do for your product and service management!

Meeting customer needs as effectively as possible is essential in today’s increasingly developing business environment. Usually manufacturing companies focus on their competitiveness and developing their service business, and service companies improve customized portfolios. Currently, companies possess systems for product information and sales management. However, the information in these systems is often scattered and difficult to utilize coherently.

Variantum solves this problem with an VariSuite Offering Management System that provides all the necessary information on a business life cycle from engineering to sales and from production to maintenance. In Offering Management the product life cycle management has been expanded to include the complete product information, and it consists of everything the company designs, manufactures and sells to its customers. Variantum offers customers a combination of product, software and service – this is the only solution on the market that covers everything from the initial idea to sustained service.

Bringing added value in product management has become essential nowadays. With Offering Management, companies can provide their customers with high-class, individually customized, life-cycle managed products and services faster than before.

Benefits of using Offering Management:

  • Combines the product, the software and the service as one
  • Making accurate offers is faster
  • Time-to-market cycle is shorter
  • Enables materializing individual customer needs
  • Ability to provide mass customized products
  • Engineering - Sales - Production - Maintenance: all under control at every stage

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